
Digital workspaces for small & medium business owners
Art Direction, Design, Persona Development
Personas, 3D Artwork, Product, Website
Web, Mobile
Zebra has broken into the consumer space by reimagining the experience of label printing for Small and Medium business owners.
Zebra Technologies has spent the last 50 years building enterprise-level data capture and automatic identification solutions. In 2021, Zebra launched their first printer solution in the prosumer marketplace. The ZSB Series Label Printer is targeted at Home Office Small Office business owners, combining best-in-class industrial design, cloud services, and software experience.

We were asked to define the visual language of the product ecosystem and work alongside their UX team to create a holistic product experience. Every user has their own workspace, so we decided to champion that concept and create unique digital workspaces that users could relate to.

In addition to working on the software, we were tasked to create a product microsite for the printer that would effectively communicate the solutions value, proposition, key features, benefits, and software experience.

As this was a large-scale project with many moving parts, we had to delegate the work to multiple teams: Research, UX Design, Art Direction and 3D artworking. During the span of the project I was actively involved at every step and worked closely with the design team at Zebra as well as the interior and 3D designers.

Five faces
Five spaces
In order to design workspaces that felt genuine and relatable, we had to create realistic personas. By using the research made available to us by an external agency, we paired conceptual personas with the qualities and characteristics deemed “ownable” for the product.
Map of all ownable traits within the ZSB product experience. Data provided by Rabinovici & Associates.
5 distinct persona types
Not your typical personas
With a solidified vision of our personas, we were able to bring them to life through indicative imagery and believable backstory.
This combination of imagery and information gave us the ability to accurately convey the personas as real people who would use Zebra’s product & software.

This was a pivotal step towards creating the workspaces as it helped us envision to the smallest detail of what each persona's space would look and feel like.
Once the personas were fully realized, we partnered with an interior designer to visualize their workspaces.
From the overall mood to the details of a thrifted carpet from across the world, no details were left untapped. We took extensive measures in visualizing what each persona would want or have in their workspace - be it an office or their home.
Working in
in the wild
Marketing video: Meet the Label Printer That Just Works
Forbes Article
Winner of the iF Design Awards 2022




Zebra Technologies

Concept & Direction

Newton Lam



Rabinovici & Associates


Newton Lam


Art Direction

Newton Lam
Shelley Pocsidio

3D Artworking

Ben White



James Green